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Visa Information
To Get Visa Documents
Useful Links

For authors of accepted manuscripts, we will prepare necessary documents for your visa application upon request. Please contact the Registration Chair, Professor Kenji Fujimoto (cdc2015.visa@gmail.com), and please also visit the useful links shown below for details of visas to enter Japan. If you need an invitation letter written in English, you can download it from PaperPlaza through your author's workspace.

In principle, this procedure is applicable only to the authors of accepted papers who have already paid the registration fee through the conference registration system. We only support visa application for attending the conference, and thus your stay in Japan must be less than two weeks.

Deadline for the application of visa related documents: September 30 (24:00 JST), 2015

To Get Visa Documents

1. Complete registration via JTB's online-registration system and make the payment for your registration fee.

2. Send the following documents by email to the Registration Chair at cdc2015.visa@gmail.com as early as possible (no later than September 30).
  • Copy of your passport
  • Copy of your e-tickets (If you have not yet received your e-tickets, please inform us your flight numbers and schedules.)
  • Detailed itinerary of your stay in Japan including the names and addresses of the hotels at which you will stay
  • Registration ID at JTB's online-registration system
  • Submission number and title of your accepted paper
  • Your affiliation and title/position
  • Postal Address (including affiliations, ZIP code, and country name)
  • Your mobile phone number by which we can reach you during your stay in Japan
    3. The documents will be sent to you by airmail. Please note that we will send these documents only after we confirm that the necessary procedures have been completed by the authors (i.e., the payment of your registration fee, the submissions of camera-ready papers, and the copyright transfer forms).

    * Personal information will be used only for the purposes for which you provided it to us, and will not be shared, sold, or otherwise distributed.

    Useful Links

  • Guide to Japanese Visas by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

  • List of Countries and Regions Having Visa Exemption Arrangements with Japan

    PaperPlaza Submission site

    Conference App

    Key dates (2015)
    Submission Site Opens:January 5
    Invited Session
    Proposals Due:
    March 12
    Initial Submissions Due:March 24
    Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
    Decision Notification:End of July
    Registration Opens: August 12
    Final Submissions Due: September 15, 2015
    September 17, 2015

    Corporate Sponsors

    Platinum Sponsor

    Gold Sponsor

    Silver Sponsors
    Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

    Bronze Sponsors

    Stationery Sponsor