Sponsoring Organizations

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Corporate Sponsorship and Exhibitors
Sponsor/Exhibitor Contract (PDF form)

Sponsorship and Exhibitors Levels/Terms:

The 54th IEEE CDC would like to offer tiered sponsorship opportunities with potential exhibit space for interested corporations. All sponsors and exhibitors will be recognized as a platinum, gold, silver, bronze or copper sponsor according to their chosen level of engagement and participation. The tiered sponsorship and exhibitor packages are described below. If you are interested in being a sponsor or exhibitor at the 54th CDC please contact the Exhibits and Sponsorship Chair, Professor Toshiyuki Ohtsuka (ohtsuka@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp).

Platinum Sponsor:

Sponsorship cost: JPY 1,200,000 or higher (JPY 1,300,000 after Sept 5th, 2015) (includes items listed below)
  • Sponsor special topic session (must be arranged prior to May 1st - subject to restrictions)
  • One free conference workshop attendance
  • Double booth (~15 m2, with priority choice of location)
  • Four conference attendee registrations* with three invitations to VIP reception
  • Website and program acknowledgements
  • Flier insert into registration packages
  • Gold Sponsor:

    Sponsorship cost: JPY 600,000 (JPY 700,000 after Sept 5th, 2015) (includes items listed below)
  • Double booth (~15 m2)
  • Three conference attendee registrations* with two invitations to VIP reception
  • Website and program acknowledgements
  • Flier insert into registration packages
  • Silver Sponsor:

    Sponsorship cost: JPY 300,000 (JPY 400,000 after Sept 5th, 2015) (includes items listed below)
  • Single booth (~7.5 m2)
  • Two conference attendee registrations*
  • Website and program acknowledgements
  • Flier insert into registration packages
  • Bronze Sponsor:

    Sponsorship cost: JPY 180,000 (JPY 280,000 after Sept 5th, 2015) (includes items listed below)
  • Single booth with only printed matter displayed (~7.5 m2)
  • One conference attendee registration*
  • Website and program acknowledgements
  • Copper Sponsor:

    Sponsorship cost: JPY 120,000 (JPY 180,000 after Sept 5th, 2015) (includes items listed below)
  • Website and program acknowledgements

  • *All registrations include a banquet ticket. An additional registration with a banquet ticket can be obtained at half price of a full registration.

    PaperPlaza Submission site

    Conference App

    Key dates (2015)
    Submission Site Opens:January 5
    Invited Session
    Proposals Due:
    March 12
    Initial Submissions Due:March 24
    Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
    Decision Notification:End of July
    Registration Opens: August 12
    Final Submissions Due: September 15, 2015
    September 17, 2015

    Corporate Sponsors

    Platinum Sponsor

    Gold Sponsor

    Silver Sponsors
    Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

    Bronze Sponsors

    Stationery Sponsor