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Best Student Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Purpose: To recognize excellence in a conference paper contribution whose primary author is a student member of the IEEE.

Basis: Originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications or theoretical foundations of control.

Guidelines: To be eligible, the primary and first listed author must be a student at the time of original submission and have a current IEEE membership for the year 2015, and the paper must have been accepted for presentation at the CDC 2015.

Procedure: Nominations must be made by the student's major professor (advisor) through PaperPlaza.

  1. Fill out the nomination form
  2. Submit the form for Best Student Paper Award by following: Start => Submit a paper or session proposal links. Then submit the nomination by clicking the "Submit" link next to Paper Award Nomination.

Important Information: The nominating form must be filled out in full containing the following information:

  1. A paragraph certifying that the nominee is the main author of the paper, was a student at the time of the nomination and has a current IEEE membership for the year 2015. The student's IEEE membership number must be included in the nominating letter.
  2. A paragraph with a brief description of the contribution of the paper and the main reason why the paper is being nominated for the award.
  3. The advisor's telephone number and e-mail address.
  4. Session code and the original submission number assigned by PaperPlaza.
  5. Nominations are limited to one per advisor.
Nominations Open: July 20, 2015
Nominations Close: August 31, 2015

Please follow this link to apply for Student Travel Award.

PaperPlaza Submission site

Conference App

Key dates (2015)
Submission Site Opens:January 5
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 12
Initial Submissions Due:March 24
Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
Decision Notification:End of July
Registration Opens: August 12
Final Submissions Due: September 15, 2015
September 17, 2015

Corporate Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Bronze Sponsors

Stationery Sponsor