Sponsoring Organizations

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Sponsors List
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Stationery Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Kozo Keikaku Engineering (KKE) introduced the use of computers to the evaluation of the structural integrity of buildings for the first time in Japan in 1961.
    Our founder, Dr. Makoto Hattori, said, "It is my dream to build an organization that thrives on engineering works performed by a wide variety of specialists." Our "dream" and "sense of mission", that we shall always respect science and contribute to society through business activities, are found in his words. We will continue to strive to be an engineering consulting firm that helps people become more innovative, opening the way to solve complex challenges that society faces today.
    Our social mission is to produce and make the most of previously unforeseen values (i.e. engineering knowledge) through knowledge exchanges between various fields. It is this "engineering knowledge" that supports our dream. As a Professional Design & Engineering Firm, we link knowledge from around the world, provide superior engineering knowledge, help people deal with various challenges, and contribute to the establishment of society where innovations are further fostered.

Gold Sponsor

MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software. Engineers and scientists worldwide rely on its products to accelerate the pace of discovery, innovation, and development. MATLAB®, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation. Simulink® is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-Based Design of multidomain dynamic and embedded systems. MATLAB and Simulink are used throughout the automotive, aerospace, communications, electronics, and industrial automation industries as fundamental tools for research and development. They are also used for modeling and simulation in increasingly technical fields, such as financial services and computational biology. MATLAB and Simulink enable the design and development of a wide range of advanced products, including automotive systems, aerospace flight control and avionics, telecommunications and other electronics equipment, industrial machinery, and medical devices. More than 5000 colleges and universities around the world use MATLAB and Simulink for teaching and research in a broad range of technical disciplines. For more information, visit www.mathworks.com.

Silver Sponsors

Looking to publish your research? Discover Springer's print and electronic publication services, including Open Access! Get high-quality review, maximum readership and rapid distribution. Visit our booth or springer.com/authors. You can also browse key titles in your field and buy (e)books at discount prices. With Springer you are in good company.

CYBERNET SYSTEMS is providing cutting-edge software solution service in scientific computation field, especially CAE software. CYBERNET SYSTEMS offers wide variety and global level of software like mechanical analysis, acoustic analysis, structural analysis, control system analysis, communication system analysis, signal processing, optical design, illumination analysis, electronic circuit design, versatile visualization processing, medical image processing and fulfilling various customers' needs.

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric is one of the world's leading names in the manufacture and sales of electrical and electronic products and systems used in a broad range of fields and applications. As a global, leading green company, we're applying our technologies to contribute to society and daily life around the world.

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community of over 14,000 individual members and more than 500 academic, corporate, and governmental institutional members. SIAM fosters the development of applied mathematical and computational methodologies needed in various application areas. Visit the SIAM booth to look through and purchase the latest books in our Advances in Design and Control series, Stability and Stabilization of Time-Delay Systems: An Eigenvalue-Based Approach, Second Edition by Wim Michiels and Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, and The Shapes of Things: A Practical Guide to Differential Geometry and the Shape Derivative by Shawn W. Walker, and an advance copy of AIMD Dynamics and Distributed Resource Allocation by Martin Corless, Christopher King, Robert Shorten, and Fabian R. Wirth, which will publish in January. We also have many more books on display for applied mathematicians, engineers, and computational scientists.

Altair is focused on the development and broad application of simulation technology to synthesize and optimize designs, processes and decisions for improved business performance. Privately held with more than 2,300 employees, Altair is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA, and operates more than 40 offices throughout 22 countries. Today, Altair serves more than 5,000 corporate clients across broad industry segments. To learn more, please visit www.altair.com.
    Altair's VisSim is a graphical language for simulation and model-based embedded development. VisSim is unique in its ability to generate highly efficient, high sample rate, low jitter target executables. To learn more, please visit www.vissim.com.

Bronze Sponsors

International Journal of Automation and Computing (IJAC) is published by Springer, sponsored jointly by Institute of Automation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Automation and Computing Society in the United Kingdom. For the purpose of automation and with computing as the means, IJAC publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and development in automation and computing. Topics mainly include Automatic Control, Computer Science, Pattern Recognition, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, etc. More papers information can be found at www.ijac.net and link.springer.com/journal/11633. More than 20 Special Issues published on IJAC can be found here. IJAC has been indexed by EI, Inspec, Scopus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Abstracts Journal, VINITI, ACM Digital Library, Gale - Academic OneFile, Summon by Serial Solutions, SCImago, OCLC, Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), Cabell's Directory, etc. IJAC is an active, international, and professional journal.

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS) is a joint publication of the IEEE and the Chinese Association of Automation. The objective of JAS is high quality and rapid publication of articles, with a strong focus on new trends, original theoretical and experimental research and developments, emerging technologies, and industrial standards in automation. The coverage of JAS mainly includes Automatic control, Artificial intelligence and intelligent control, Systems theory and engineering, Pattern recognition and intelligent systems, Automation engineering and applications, Information processing and information systems, Network based automation, Robotics, Computer-aided technologies for automation systems, Sensing and measurement, Navigation, guidance, and control. JAS is indexed by EI, Inspec, Scopus. More information can be found here.

Cogent Engineering is an open access journal of peer-reviewed research, part of the Taylor & Francis group. Cogent Engineering considers original primary research articles, review articles, short communications and software description articles in all areas of engineering and technology. Access all of our content for free and discover the benefits of open access by submitting your manuscript here.

Publishers of high quality reference, research and review journals in business and technology. now publishers' Foundations and Trends® (FnT) journals are already acclaimed as a "go to" resource for graduate students scoping out a topic and for senior researchers looking for a high-level introduction to a new area.

IHI is one of the leading engineering companies, and we have wide range of businesses to manufacturing or engineering components of aero engines, energy power plant, social infrastructures, turbo chargers for automotive, etc. Our various products are supporting our society on the land, under the sea, in the sky and space to 'realize your dreams'.

Stationery Sponsor

As the core of the azbil Group, rooted firmly in "measurement and control" technologies, Azbil Corporation pursues "human-centered automation," which aims to contribute to people's safety, comfort and fulfillment and also to the global environment. We are developing the Building Automation business in the building market, the Advanced Automation business in the plant and factory markets, and the Life Automation business in lifelines, and other markets connected closely with everyday life. The Company also actively conducts business in overseas markets, targeting further growth. Developing the Life Automation business as a third core business alongside the Building Automation business and Advanced Automation business, and generating synergies among these businesses, we are aspiring to cultivate a new domain of azbil's unique "human-centered automation."

I hope you will have a good experience at this venue for your exhibits. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. On behalf of the entire Organizing Committee, I look forward to working with you to ensure an exciting and productive Exhibits Area at the 2015 CDC.

Exhibits and Sponsorship Chair: Toshiyuki Ohtsuka (ohtsuka@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

PaperPlaza Submission site

Conference App

Key dates (2015)
Submission Site Opens:January 5
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 12
Initial Submissions Due:March 24
Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
Decision Notification:End of July
Registration Opens: August 12
Final Submissions Due: September 15, 2015
September 17, 2015

Corporate Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Bronze Sponsors

Stationery Sponsor